Monday, February 6, 2012

Almost Siberian Temperatures {#Project 365 - Day 37}

Holy cow. Remember when I posted that photo of  that rose that grew in our backyard in the middle of January? Up until then the winter was way too mild and I was confident that that is all we were going to see this winter. Boy was I wrong.

It has been freezing the last couple of days. Took this photo of this morning's weather forecast on television with my cell phone. That's -15°F where we live and -18°F where my parents live.

On the upside, it is so cold that it's too cold for snow and we're luckily not buried under a 7 foot snow blanket as they are in Austria or Serbia. Just in case, our pantry is well stocked and just in case, I forced the hubs to buy more wood, in case of a powerloss. Besides, even if that doesn't happen, there's nothing like sitting by the fireplace when it's this cold out.

               (snapped with my Samsung Galaxy SII, uploaded via Blogger)

The cats are majorly confused. The sun is shining as if there's no tomorrow and so they sit there in front of the window, wanting out. However, the moment you open the door and the cold air hits their noses? They slowly retreat backwards.

It's funny to watch and a little mean because they would love to be outside. Please keep your fingers crossed that some warmer weather is headed our way soon.


River Song said...

where are you from? :)

Tara R. said...

That is crazy cold! I don't blame the cats, I wouldn't want to go outside either. Hope you thaw out soon.

Maggie Moo said...

And here in Boston it's 50 degrees. Nutty.