Monday, January 4, 2010

big brother sucks

I still remember the first season of Big Brother being aired in 2000 in Germany. Even before the first episode was aired, it was heavily discussed in the media. And because reality tv was something of a novelty back then and I had loved MTV’s Real World and Road Rules, which I was introduced to while living in the US in 1996, I thought Big Brother would be fun to watch.

And it was. At least in the beginning. The first season was hilarious. The German edition featured a guy who had never read a book and had no clue who Shakespeare was but by God at least the dude was an original.

Then I watched half of the next one and it was all like: seen that, done that, been there (not literally)…and I was done with Big Brother by the time 2001 rolled around.

The show was a big hit and 70 countries have adapted it. I totally get it but the show is getting stupider and stupider with each passing year and has now become unbearable to watch. One of the seasons even lasted an entire year. 365 days of BB. WTF? Who cares about the same bunch of boring people and who wants to watch them e v e r y   s i n g l e day of the week for a whole year??? Haven’t they realized it’s been getting old? Are there really people who want to watch yet another episode? And while I was hoping that the world would grow tired of it, I was very disappointed to see that this year we will live to see season 10 being kicked off. Blech.


Maggie Moo said...

I actually like the show, most of the time. It is stupid, but it's also kind of funny too. I'm not sure I could watch a whole year of it though.

kat said...

True, the challenges in the show are now just ruining everything and there is only so much of the same you can take before it gets really boring.

Brian o vretanos said...

I love the way they call that sort of thing "reality" TV when it's pretty much the exact opposite. Just be thankful to whoever invented the on/off button on televisions...