Saturday, August 2, 2008

Sitemeter oh Sitemeter

For a while there I almost got my knickers in a twist or panties in a bunch, whatever you may want to call it. You can't screw up my blog. You just can't. PERIOD.

So you wake up on a Saturday morning, ready to check your blog when you get an error message that Internet Explorer cannot open the page and the operation is aborted. Bummer. I noticed that sitemeter wasn't loading correctly so I search the interwebs and wouldn't you know it, I am not the only one facing that issue.

Sitemeter uninstalled for now as their website throws the same error. I heard everything's fine and dandy when you're using Firefox and I suppose other browsers but you never know.

Problem ought to be fixed by now and I sure hope they fix sitemeter quickly so I can restore it and put it back up on my blog. How else am I gonna get a kick out of reading how people found my blog. All I say is "smoking turtle" or "huge boobs+tattoo". ROFL


Melisa Wells said...

I am using Firefox (on a PC though!) and my sitemeter is fine. Hope your problem gets fixed quickly!

(Smoking turtle? What post did that lead to???)

AutoSysGene said...

You smoke turtles...they must be awfully hard to light! ;)

Danielle Athanas said...

Darn you Sitemeter....

My Two Army Brats said...

I love being able to see the keyword searches people use and find my blog by accident. I hope it's by accident most of the time because these searches are nuts!