Monday, January 23, 2012

Baked Beans {#Project 365 - Day 23}


(taken with my Panasonic DMC-TZ8, uploaded via Windows Live Writer)

More than half a decade in Ireland left traces in my life and tasty baked beans are hard to come by in Germany. So whenever I can get my hands on some Heinz Baked Beans, I just have to by a couple of cans. This is today’s loot. So next Saturday it’s Beans & Toast and Toast & Beans on Sunday! Yay


misguided mommy said...

Toast and beans......Um.


Just no.

Beans with bread and butter sure. But toast and beans...although now I would love some beans.

Jacki said...

How do you make your beans and toast? I have not heard of that combination.

Tara R. said...

It is so easy to take common things for granted. At our local grocery, there must be two dozen different kinds of baked beans.

Now I'm hungry for beans and franks.

Melisa Wells said...

BeanZ?? haha
The Z made me laugh!