Tuesday, February 23, 2010


How come I already worked more than half of my hours this week and it is only Tuesday? If I keep this pace up I’ll be burned out by the time Saturday rolls around. Yawn.

Which reminds me of something I saw on television today. Something that I got really worked up over. They followed three families. Two of them had a Dad who was the sole provider. One of the three families, consisting of a Mom, Dad and two kids, lived on wellfare and neither of the adults was working. They said they’re also not looking for a job because then they would be out of the house, would have to work hard would end up coming home with only $70 more than what they had now that the state provides for them.

The other two families in which the Dads were working, were just as poor as the people who lived on wellfare. How horrible is that? At least they wanted to earn their own money and not depend on others to provide for them. The world is really unfair. On the one side you have a family that wants to work and who does. On the other side you have lazy bums who don’t want to lift a finger and both get the same amount of money…. Upsetting.

When I heard that I realized have no right to complain about having to working much because even though there are days, weeks and months when things are a bit crazy, I am lucky to have a job at all and not everyone is that lucky…


Brian o vretanos said...

I can't get too worried about this sort of thing. If you are going to pay enough in benefits so that people don't starve, then you will probably be paying out as much as a low-paid job will earn. And if there is unemployment, then it's better for the unemployed to be the ones who don't want to work.

You might question the morality of the workshy, not to mention the employers of the low income workers, but morality is not something that governments should try and impose on others.

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean. If I think about it enough it kills me! Welfare should come with some forced work time in some kind of job that helps out the public and it should be temporary but please dont get me started!

Maggie Moo said...

Slow down girl!! Don't burn yourself out. (Really though-how the heck have you worked that much so early in the week?!?!)

There was an article on Boston.com the other day about a man who is on unemployment. He was penalized for working a temp job when he could. When he reapplied for unemployement they used THAT salary as a base and cut his monthly payment down to like, $200 or something nuts like that. Now, there's a HUGE difference between people like him who want to work but can't because of the crazy system and people like the guy in your article who is just lazy, but sometimes the system doesn't allow for things like working...

heatheradair said...

the merits of finding a rich sugar daddy start looking better and better.....why work for my pop tarts when I can buck the system and beguile someone into buying them for me.....er...yep. same goes for you and your week-of-work-in-2-days...! get a benefactor. ;)